In my mind travel is for seeing new places, meeting new people, trying new foods, and living life to the fullest and trying new experiences. And if you’re like me, I like some thrill seeking every now and then. These 10 activities from all over the world are ones that will get your adrenaline pumping and will make for some great stories.

Shark cage diving

Experience “shark week” in real life down in Port Lincoln, Australia. Get in the cage and come face to face with Great White Sharks at Neptune Islands! Seeing these predators of the sea in real life was an experience I’ll never forget. Check out my blog with Calypso Star Charters on my time spent with the sharks (and some sea lions!) When down under make your way to Port Lincoln for an experience of a lifetime! You won’t regret it.

Bungee Jumping

Being someone who doesn’t enjoy heights, I never thought I would be jumping off of a bridge. But the fact that it was over water made me feel somewhat better about my decision. Queenstown, New Zealand is an adrenaline junkie’s dream city. There is so much to do that will get your heart pumping fast. They have multiple bungee jumping locations and I decided to jump over the Kawarau River which offers some beautiful sights as you pretend to be Pocahontas. Check out my blog on other things to do in Queenstown, New Zealand.

White Water Rafting

There are so many places you can white water raft from the states all the way to New Zealand. There’s no way I can list them all. BUT if you want to embark on a thrilling new escapade, white water rafting could be for you. It’s a rush not knowing what rapids are coming your way as your boat comes around a bend.

Sand Boarding

If you ever are visiting Pacific City, Oregon you have to definitely try some sand boarding. It’s just like snowboarding, except a lot warmer and it doesn’t hurt as bad when you fall. Pacific City has a beautiful coast and you can’t beat the views when your sand boarding. Plus, after you work up a sweat you can head on down to the brewery that’s right on the water overlooking the ocean for a nice cold beer.

Scuba Diving

If you love the water and adventure, then scuba diving is for you! Getting scuba certified gives you access to explore the depths of the ocean all around the world! One of my favorite places I’ve done a dive in is the Great Barrier Reef in Cairns, Australia. Whether you’re a beginner or have experience, diving the world’s largest reef system doesn’t disappoint. Check out our tour with Tusa Dive. If you ever find yourself in Cairns, I highly recommend a day spent in the crystal clear waters of the reef.

Fat Tire Biking

If you are looking for a fun way to explore a place while getting some exercise I highly suggest renting bikes! Fat tire bikes are an even better choice especially if you are exploring nature as you can go off roading with them without worrying about popping a tire. I got to experience this while biking along the Grand Canyon and is was spectacular! We got to see more of the canyon faster which meant more time to take in the breathtaking views.

Open Water Shark Diving

So if cage diving wasn’t enough of an adrenaline rush, try swimming with sharks without one! In Cabo, Mexico you can go out on the water with Cabo Shark Dive and get in the open water with pelagic sharks. The guides are knowledgeable, passionate, and a lot of fun to be around. We got the added bonus of being able to jump in with some orcas while we were heading back to the harbor. You never know what you’ll get to see! Click here to check out our awesome tour swimming with some sharks!


While in Africa, I got to try something I had never heard of before…spelunking! (if anything, it’s fun to say) But basically what we did was went hiking, caving, and waterfall jumping all in one! It was such a fun adventure that I would do it again in a heart beat.

Sky Diving

I’ll be honest, I’ve only done this once because planes and heights freak me out. But I got to experience this with my dad, my parachute opened, and I lived, so I’m happy. It is nerve wrecking jumping out of a plane with a dude attached to me that I just met, but once you’re in the sky, the sights are beautiful and it doesn’t even feel like you’re falling. I even went skydiving in the midwest in the states and the views were still amazing. So if you are looking for an adrenaline rush and you’re in an awesome location, I suggest trying it at least once in your life!

Whale Shark Encounter

You can have whale shark encounters in multiple places throughout the world, with one of them being in La Paz, Mexico. We were staying in Cabo San Lucas and took a day tour to go visit these gentle giants. It is truly humbling and makes you realize you are a small part of a huge world when swimming with a creature the size of a school bus. To check out my experience with Cabo Adventures, click here.

There you have it, 10 adventures that will get your adrenaline flowing while exploring a new destination! I must say that a lot of these activities can be dangerous and come with some risk, so be smart and safe about it. But other than that have a blast and you’ll come back with some epic stories and pictures! Happy thrill seeking!