So you booked a long haul flight, eh? Well for one, get excited! That means you’re traveling to a faraway place where you will make new and long lasting memories! On the downside you now have to endure a 6+ hour flight. Below are some tips and tricks to surviving those flights that feel like they’ll never end.


In my opinion the best way to pass time on a long haul flight is to sleep. It definitely makes the time go by quicker! Plus, if you are switching time zones I definitely suggest sleeping when they turn out the lights on the plane as your body will adjust better. Below are some things that may help you catch some better Zzzzs on the flight:

  • Taking natural supplements – things like melatonin or magnesium are known to aid sleep. I take magnesium every night before bed and I’ve noticed a difference! BUT, I’m no doctor so before taking supplements always consult a doctor and do your research.
  • Bring headphones and if you have the noise canceling ones that is even better! This way you can block out any crying babies or chatty people to catch some sleep
  • Bring a sleep mask – this way you can sleep whether the plane lights are on or off.

BUT if you’re like me and there’s zero chance of sleeping for long time durations on flights no matter what you try, continue reading for more ideas on how to pass the time!


Those long flights will definitely make your muscles ache and your joints stiffen up so be sure to take movement breaks! Plus moving/stretching will also help decrease the restlessness we all tend to feel on those extra long flights. When that seat belt light goes off, be sure to get up and walk up and down the aisle, even if it’s just to the bathroom. It will help, trust me! While seated you can get the blood flowing by some wrist/ankle rolls, neck stretches, or foot pumps. Check out the pics below to get you started. A quick google search (like I did) can provide tons of resources for stretches and exercises on a plane. These photos are via

Bring things to do

I have a hard time sitting still (especially on planes) so I often always put plenty of things to do in my carry on bag to keep me entertained! Some good ideas of items to bring are:

  • Books – a good thriller or murder mystery will keep me occupied for hours (side note: Brian Freeman writes great books)
  • Coloring books – not only fun, but also very therapeutic (for me at least). I get plane anxiety so coloring often helps me to relax a bit!
  • Your journal – another very therapeutic activity. May as well write all your thoughts and feelings down while being stuck in a tube for hours.
  • Games – brings some cards, hand held games, word searches, sudoku, etc. Games are especially fun when traveling with others! Nothing like some good competition when flying.

These things keep me entertained so I’m not constantly staring at the flight map wondering when we are going to finally land.

Bring extra snacks

No one wants a hangry passenger, so bring some extra snacks! Most long haul flights do provide meals and drinks depending on the length of the flight, but if you’re like me, you will want something more during those times when they aren’t serving meals. I always have some granola bars on hand when needed!

Stay hydrated

And I don’t mean the free alcoholic drinks on longer international flights (although that is a perk). I mean stay hydrated with some good ole H2O. Bringing a reusable water bottle and filling it up after your security check is a great option to stay hydrated during your flight. Staying hydrated is good for your entire body. You will land at your new destination with more energy, less aches, and no dry skin!

Take advantage of the entertainment

Bust those headphones back out and enjoy all the free entertainment on those long haul flights! I always love catching up on the movies I haven’t seen yet or doing a chick flick marathon.

Do these few things and you long haul flight will feel like a breeze! You’ll land at your destination feeling ready to explore everything it has to offer! Check out my other blogs for some other travel tips: