We all know that everyone overindulges a bit when traveling. Which is expected, I mean who doesn’t want to experience the food and culture of a new place? But there are ways to stay healthy while traveling, especially for those who travel for extended periods of time or very frequently! Being on a trip for 6 months forced me to create a balanced and healthy lifestyle while on the road! Below are some tips and tricks that I found helpful and that I hope will benefit you too!

Walk, walk, walk! (or bike)

Skip the public transportation and explore the city by foot…or bike! For one, it is cheaper. Secondly, moving your body is great for your health! And thirdly, exploring a new place by foot or bike allows you to stop when you want to, you never know what you’ll find! You aren’t confined by time tables or schedule like you are with public transit, plus you burn a lot of extra calories and it’s good for your heart health. Pro tip: a lot of cities have free walking tours so not only do you get exercise, you also meet people and learn about the place you are visiting while seeing the sights!

Cook meals (at least some of them)

I’m not saying don’t go out and try that restaurant you have been hearing about, but cooking meals at your accommodation can help you stay on track. Most restaurants have increased portion sizes and you can’t skip dessert right? But, by cooking some of your meals you can choose fresh ingredients and eat reasonable portion sizes. Plus, if you’re in a new country, it’s fun exploring a grocery store and trying new foods from there. If you are unable to cook, when dining out pick meals with lots of fruits and veggies! There is still a way to dine out while eating healthy.


Begin your day with a quick yoga session! Even 5 minutes of some quick yoga poses and stretches can help center you, ease stress, and get your mind and body ready for your adventurous day! Why do you think I do so many handstands? I’ve linked one of my favorite youtube yogis, here!

Body Weight Exercises

You don’t need workout equipment to stay in shape and healthy when on vacation. Although, if interested, most hotels and resorts do have workout rooms that guests can use! But if you are in an Airbnb, hostel, etc. then body weight exercises could be for you! You can do sit-ups, push-ups, squats, lunges, etc. Due to the easy access to the internet nowadays, you can easily find a quick bodyweight workout on google or youtube.

Plan activities that move your body

While adventuring through a new place, try to plan some activities that get your body moving! For example, if you’re near mountains, find a scenic hiking path. If you’re on the ocean, try some snorkeling! There are also so many tours and excursions you can book that will get your blood flowing! Below is a list of some of my most favorite active excursions I’ve been on:


Pack your reusable water bottle and take that with you…everywhere! Drinking water is so important for staying healthy. It’s important for preventing dehydration, excreting toxins, maintaining a health weight, brain function, and so much more! Don’t get me wrong, one of my favorite things to do on vacation is to try a new brewery or a fruity cocktail, but keep your water handy!

Live in the moment

Traveling is a gift that everyone should get to experience. So when on a trip, savor it and live in the moment! Don’t stress about future obligations that you have to take care of when returning. Be present, relax, and immerse yourself in the culture. Stress does a lot of harm to the body so when on vacation let it go! Watch that sunset, relax on a beach, read a book, splurge on that excursion you’ve always wanted to do. You have one life, may as well live it.

Catch some Zzzzs

Sleep is important in your everyday normal daily life, so why change that when on vacation? You still need your sleep! Trust me, in my 20s I went on a Eurotrip where we went out every night and barely slept. Lo and behold, I got sick. So, yes go catch that sunrise or stay up dancing at a new club, but be sure to get sleep! Otherwise you won’t be able to fully enjoy the destination you’re in. Sleep is important for maintaining a healthy traveling lifestyle to give you energy, keep you alert, boost the immune system, and keep you in a good mood!

Follow these tips and you will maintain a healthy travel lifestyle. You can visit your dream destinations while maintaining optimal health! Check out my other blogs for other travel tips: