Do you find yourself day dreaming about places you want to visit? Are you laying on your couch scrolling through pictures of past trips? If your answer is yes, you are not alone! This pandemic has caused our way of life to change drastically with one of those changes being limited travel. And those of you with wanderlust and a constance case of the travel bug may be itching to get back on an airplane to a new destination. But since we are staying home in order to stay safe, we just need to get creative with how we “travel” right now. Below are some fun ideas of how to “travel” while staying home during a pandemic (yes, I know this isn’t as fun as real traveling, but better than nothing!).

Explore Your Own Backyard

Luckily for us, most restaurants, coffee shops, and breweries are open for delivery to curb side pick up. Pretend you have never been to your city and choose a new cuisine from a restaurant you haven’t tried yet or order a new drink. Never had Indian food? Order some to try! You can still have new experiences from your couch. You can also get outside and bike, run, or walk through your city to explore new areas (while following social distancing measures of course). For example, I took myself on a bike tour through Chicago to find murals I never knew were there! Go visit parks, monuments, etc. Think outside the box!

Take Virtual Tours of National Parks

Missing the great outdoors? Did you have a road trip planned through a national park that got cancelled? Well now you can take virtual tours and look at live webcams of national parks. Yes, I know it is nearly not as awesome since you aren’t actually there, but it’s something!

Here I am checking out Old Faithful at YellowStone National Park

Visit Live Webcams from Around the World

Take a safari, watch a sunset in LA, visit the mountains, or watch Orcas in British Columbia all from your computer! Visit Outside Online, adventure awaits! I got lucky and within 30 seconds, I saw a manatee in Florida and an Orca in British Columbia. I’m definitely adding some of the places I explored via live webcams to my bucket list.

Take Virtual Museum Tours

Another fun experience you can have from your couch is taking virtual tours of museums from around the world! You can explore places you might never get a chance to go to all for free, plus you’ll learn a lot.

Checking out the Picasso Museum in Barcelona

Read Blogs and Watch Vlogs

Since we have the world at our fingertips when using technology, you can explore and learn about destinations all of the world through the eyes of other people. There are TONS of blogs and vlogs related to travel out there. I myself have travelled a lot, but I still watch and read other content to learn about new places and to get ideas for where I want to go next! Vlogs are the best for feeling like you are there with the people traveling! Below I have listed some of my favorite blogs and vlogs to check out!


Missing the beach? Put a picture of the ocean on your TV, make some tacos, put on your swim suit, and drink a margarita. Did your trip to Italy get cancelled? Make some homemade pasta and pizza, drink some wine, and watch a movie based in Italy. If you’re really dedicated make each room in your home a different country and take a trip “around the world”. Have fun, dress up, and bring the destination to your house!

Plan a Trip

Do I suggest buying plane tickets or booking something during the pandemic? No. But you can still have some fun and plan your next trip! This pandemic will pass and you will be able to pack your bags once again. Pick a place you have always wanted to go. Then do some research. Find the hotel you like, what excursions to take, must-see places, etc. This will give you something to look forward too! Plus, when it is safe to travel again, you will already have everything planned and will just have to book! Below are some great websites to get you started on planning:

  • Expedia – helpful for flights, hotels, and car rentals
  • Lonely Planet – provides travel guides for tons of destinations
  • Trip Advisor – use this to browse traveler reviews/opinions along with booking hotels, excursions, etc.
  • Pinterest – the perfect place to create a “board” for you trip and pin all sorts of fun travel ideas for that destination
Pinning ideas for a trip to the Maldives

Read Books

Reading can be a great way to “get away”. You all know the feeling of getting absorbed into a book and feeling connected with the characters and like you are actually there. Find books related to travel or adventure. Reading is a great way to take your mind off the current situation and de-stress! Below are some books recommendations:

  • Into the Wild
  • Eat, Pray, Love
  • Wild
  • Vagabonding

Learn a New Language

When we travel we obviously immerse ourselves in different cultures and learn about different languages, religions, etc. So while at home, challenge yourself, and learn a new language! I am currently teaching myself Spanish with an app called “Duolingo“. It is free to download and use!

Traveling will be safe again in the future, but for now, enjoy traveling from your couch in the safety of your home during the pandemic. I know these ideas are nothing like the real thing, but it will do for now! Happy traveling!