According to, an estimated 17.6 billion pounds of plastic leaks into the oceans from land-based sources every year. To put this in perspective, this is roughly equivalent to dumping a garbage truck full of plastic into the oceans every minute. The worst part is that plastics never go away. Plastics end up breaking down into smaller pieces, which then act as magnets for harmful pollutants. And only 9 percent of all plastic waste generated has been recycled. Plastic is not our only problem that’s harming the ocean. According to, more than 100,000 chemicals are produced commercially which are a huge threat for our oceans through accidents or transport. These chemicals can also be emitted in the atmosphere, water, or soil, and can reach the oceans. It is now our job to protect our oceans and below are some very simple and quick ways to help save or oceans and the marine life:

Use Reef Safe Sunscreen

Many sunscreens that we use have chemicals that are harmful to the coral reefs (and probably not great for you either). I’ve noticed a lot more tour companies that involve diving, snorkeling, etc. are offering reef safe sunscreen to their guests which I find to be a great idea! There are tons of options for reef safe sunscreen that you can use! Here are some recommendations: Manda, Sea & Summit, Mama Kuleana, and Raw Love.

Diving the Great Barrier Reef

Adopt Your Own Coral

There is an amazing company called Coral Gardeners that actually lets you adopt coral and then they will plant it for you. This helps to restore our reef systems as they are important for keeping our oceans healthy! Coral reefs are important as they are the oceans’ lungs as they absorb CO2 from the atmosphere and make the oxygen we breathe. And even though reefs make up less than .1% of earth’s surface, they are home to ~25% of known marine species! Once you adopt coral you even get a certificate and GPS coordinates of where your coral is!

Reduce Single Use Plastics

Plastic has become a major problem in our world and sadly a lot of it is ending up in our oceans. It is our job to try to reduce our plastic use and find alternatives. There are SO many simple ways to decrease our use of plastic. For example, utilizing reusable bags, buying a coffee mug to refill, purchasing glassware, or skipping the straws. Stasher Bags have been my favorite investment I’ve made on my mission to decrease my plastic use. I’ve used my stasher bags to store food, toiletries, and more! Those were just a few of the many options to decrease your plastic use. If everyone makes a little effort towards decreasing plastic use, then we can all make a huge impact.

Keep your Hands to Yourself

This is the easiest of the tips as it costs zero money or much thought. All it takes is a little body awareness and common sense! When you are swimming, snorkeling, surfing, diving, or just walking the beach be cognizant of what you are touching, stepping on, bumping in too, etc. Our coral reefs are so important for the ocean’s ecosystems so don’t touch them! You can damage the reefs if you grab them or accidentally hit the reef with your flipper. Also, be smart! Don’t touch wild animals, be respectful of their space. For your safety along with the animals’ safety, it’s best just to keep your hands to yourself.

Keeping safe and respectful distance from the whale shark.

Educate Others

This is also a very easy and no cost way to help our oceans. Educate, educate, educate! Some people might not realize that what they are doing is impacting the oceans in a negative way. Once people are educated and made aware of the issue at hand, they are more likely to start making changes. They may even spread the word to others. The more people who understand that our oceans are in danger, the more people there are to help reverse what we have already done!

Become an Ambassador

Becoming an ambassador for a company that supports ocean conservation can also help save our oceans! For example, I am an ambassador for Ocean and Co. They make trendy clothes, hats, jewelry and have a lot of eco-friendly products such as metal straws. Every time someone buys a product, some of their proceeds go towards ocean conservation!! So as an ambassador I try to spread the word so they make sales and save the ocean! It’s a win-win for everyone! If you decide to check out Ocean and Co, use my code TAYR10 to get 10% off your purchase from them!

Decrease Seafood Consumption

As much as I love seafood, I have greatly tried to decrease my consumption. Humanity consumes way too much (of everything if I’m being honest). We are overfishing our oceans. But if you want to eat seafood, be sure to eat locally sourced fish. Plus, fish are ingesting the micro plastics in the oceans which then end up on your plate at your favorite seafood restaurant.

Attend/Host a Beach Cleanup

There are tons of organizations that set up beach clean ups all over the world! Spend a morning in your community and attend a beach cleanup event to help keep our beaches clean. Ocean Blue Project is a great resource to help you find a beach clean up near you!

Observe Marine Life

In my opinion, actually going to an ocean and observing marine life first hand is a great way to learn to appreciate and respect our oceans and the life that inhabits it. You’ll come to realize that there is a way for us to co-exist. Visiting and learning about the marine life in our ocean will make you want to protect our seas. If you’re looking for some great tours to take where you will see some amazing marine animals, click on the links below:

Every little bit of effort and change helps! Follow these tips to help protect our seas! If you are interested in more tips for an eco-friendly lifestyle, check out my blog on, Tips for Eco-Friendly Traveling!

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