Views overlooking the city from the basilica

Lyon, France is a hidden gem that is worth visiting if you are passing through France. Having the Eurail Global Pass made it easy to stop in several cities that fly under the radar in Europe with Lyon being one of them. We made a quick stop in Lyon and even though we only had 24 hours we still fit in a lot! Put on your walking shoes and be prepared for a full day excursion through Lyon. Below are the must-sees and dos within a short amount of time:

Basilica of Notre-Dame de Fourvière

This basilica is a staple of Lyon’s cityscape. I suggest hiking up to the basilica because the reward is worth it! The views from the basilica overlooking the city is magical. Definitely the best views of the city! After admiring the views, be sure to make your way in to the basilica. Inside you’ll find gorgeous stained glass, mosaics, and the crypt of Saint Joseph. One fun fact is this basilica is dedicated to the Virgin Mary who is said to have saved the city from the Black Death that went through Europe in 1643.

Des Hauteurs Park

After visiting the basilica, you must make your way to Des Hauteurs Park. This hillside park has a rose garden and is a beautiful way to make your way back down to town. The scenery is gorgeous so be sure to have your camera ready! You get sweeping views of the city along with a different perspective of the basilica rising above you.

Saint Jean Cathedral

This Roman Catholic Church is dedicated to Saint John the Baptist and is the seat of the Archbishop of Lyon. The architecture is very intricate and the inside of the church is just at beautiful and detailed. This church is located in a quaint square and is the perfect place to relax and take a break before continuing on your journey through Lyon.

Ancient Theatre of Fourvière

Located near the basilica, Lyon’s Ancient Theatre of Fourvière is the oldest Roman theater in France. It was built to hold 10,000 people and this theater is now the UNESCO World Heritage site of Lyon. This theater was restored in the 20th century and is now used for popular cultural events.

Fresque des Lyonnais

This mural covers an entire backside of a building and has 24 historic and 6 contemporary well-known figures painted on it. It is an amazing piece of art and one of my favorite spots we visited while in Lyon! Can you spot us in the mural?

Fountain Bartholdi

This fountain was sculpted by Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi who is the same man who also sculpted the Statue of Liberty in New York. The sculpture represents France as a female seated on a chariot controlling the four great rivers of France. 

Parc de la Tête d’Or

Lyon’s Parc de la Tête d’Or is one of France’s largest parks, it covers 290 acres to be exact! Enjoy time walking through the park and taking in its beauty. There is a lake where you can boat on along with rose gardens, greenhouses, a botanical garden, and a zoo! Pack a picnic, bring a soccer ball, and enjoy some time outside!

Lyon Botanical Garden

The Lyon Botanical Garden is located within the Parc de la Tete d’Or and is definitely worth a visit. I love looking at and learning about all the flowers, plants, and shrubbery. The gardens are a very tranquil and calming place and it gives you a little bit of nature while in a city.

Lyon Zoo

The Lyon Zoo is also located within the Parc de la Tete d’Or and has a variety of species of animals that you can visit. The best part about this zoo you ask? The zoo is free! It is the perfect place to spend an afternoon and it is the perfect family activity.

Saint-Nizier Church

I feel like Europe has some of the most beautiful churches and Saint-Nizier in Lyon is another one of those churches. Religious or not, seeing the amazing architecture and detail that goes in to a church is something to be appreciated.

Lyon is a city in France that everyone should visit. There is lots to see and do. You can see a lot in a day when visiting or you can space it out and stay for a longer period of time if you don’t want to feel rushed. After a long day full of exploring be sure to eat some of the delicious cuisine in Lyon!