Prague is a gorgeous city with its Gothic architecture, love for beer, and wonderful people. We were in Prague for a day and a half and were able to experience the Czech Republic’s culture and see its history. Below are some ideas for what to see and do in Prague. 

Old Town Square

A historic square surrounded by restaurants and beautiful Gothic buildings. This is a great place to relax or grab a bite to eat. 

Charles Bridge

This is one of my favorite bridges of all time. The only downfall is that it gets really busy with people so go either really early or really late. I also recommend walking down to another bridge and seeing it from afar. The Gothic colors plus all of the statues along the bridge make it one of the most beautiful bridges I’ve walked across. 

Lennon Wall

John Lennon was a pacifist hero for many young Czechs and after he was murdered, a picture of Lennon was painted on a wall along with Beatles lyrics and graffiti. The John Lennon Wall is now a place where people express themselves using graffiti. The wall is full of colorful graffiti and really is a piece of art. And we happened to stand by a part of the wall that said “drink craft beer” which was perfect for Zach haha. My name is also on the wall from a few years ago, but has sadly been painted over or I just can’t remember where I wrote it. Anyways, it is a really neat thing to see if you are in to the art scene. 

Prague Castle

The Prague castle dates back to the 9th century and is a must-see while in Prague. You can walk the grounds and I recommend going during changing of the guards. It is quite impressive with how in sync the guards are. The castle is one of the largest complexes in the world. The church within the complex is unbelievable. Be sure to bring your camera! 


Old Town Hall

Old Town Hall is located in Old Town Square and is home to the well-known astronomical clock (see below). It is one of Prague’s most visited monuments and when you see it, you’ll know why. 

Prague Astronomical Clock

Unfortunately this clock was under construction when we were there. so sorry about the picture below. If you are ever in Prague, it is definitely a sight to be seen. Every hour on the hour, you can watch the clock with its moving statues and amazing visuals. I learned that back in the Middle Ages the clock was considered one of the wonders of the world. 

Powder Tower

This is a Gothic tower in Prague that is one of the original city gates. This is one of my favorites to see in Prague! 

Church of Our Lady before Týn

This is another one of my favorite buildings in Prague. You can’t miss it as it is located in Old Town of Prague and has two Gothic spires. 


This is a very large hill (be prepared to sweat) that is filled with parks and beautiful panoramic views of the city. I loved walking along its paths with views of the city of Prague below me. You can also walk through this park to get to the library and Prague Castle. 

Microbrewery Tour 

We found this tour through Airbnb and it was awesome! The 3-hour tour takes you to three breweries along with stopping at some of Prague’s well-known land marks to learn some of its history. You also get a traditional Czech appetizer. But be warned, the Czech’s drink the most in Europe and when they say you are going to get “samples” of beer they mean full sized beers! They also let us try a beer spirit that was 50% ABV!! That was one strong drink let me tell ya. So be prepared to drink a lot and have a lot of fun. Our tour guide was great and we met some awesome people from around the world. Click here to check out the tour we took. 

Prague is a must-visit city when in Europe! This city should be on everyone’s bucket list.