Mountains, waterfalls, canyons, oh my! Nature is a beautiful thing and it makes the world an amazing place to explore. Below are some national parks that are a must see for the nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts. Every single one of them is unique in their own way and it is incredible what mother nature has created: 

United States 

Arches National Park- Utah

This national park has a landscape full of beautiful red colored rocks, natural stone arches, and unique land forms that are a must see. You can drive through the park and stop and hike as you please. The park is open 24 hours a day, so go check out the stars at night! You can also camp and backpack if you’re feeling adventurous. Nerd alert – I also did some research to learn why the rocks are so red. I learned it’s because most of the sandstones in the park contain iron oxide and It takes as little as 1-3% iron to color the rocks red. 

Grand Canyon National Park – Arizona

Check this natural wonder of the world off your bucket list! I’m not going to lie, when I first knew I was going I thought I was just going to see a normal looking canyon, but when I got there I’m pretty sure my jaw dropped to the ground. Seeing this massive canyon with its colorful bands of layering red rock reminds you just how small you are in this giant world. There are tons of outdoorsy activities for every nature lover out there. I recommend renting a fat tire bike as one way to explore the canyon. 


Great Smoky Mountains National Park – North Carolina and Tennessee

If you love hiking, trees, wildlife, and waterfalls, then this is the park for you! This park even has a hiking route that includes a segment of the famous Appalachian Trail. I stood on it so I’m claiming I hiked part of that trail. Keep your eyes peeled for black bear. I saw multiple on my hikes and they were amazing to see in the wild (from a distance that is). So grab your hiking boots and go! 

Rocky Mountain National Park – Colorado

This park is located in northern colorado and spans the continental divide. There’s nothing like waking up at 3am to start a hike in the pitch black and then watching the sunrise as you summit a mountain. It’s dreamlike and serene. Bring your cameras as there is breathtaking scenery around every turn. Be sure to stay hydrated and bring snacks as most hikes take a long time, but it is worth every second! 


Mount Rainier National Park – Washington

This national park is southeast of Seattle and surrounds the 14,410 ft Mount Rainier. When you first enter the park there are tons of gorgeous shades of green from all the trees and as you travel up the weather pulls a180 and you are all of a sudden in winter wonderland. I actually felt like I was stuck in a snow globe. The snowflakes were huge and the giant pine trees were covered in a blanket of snow. The views are incredible. If you aren’t the hiking type, you can reach the highest part of the park by car. Be sure to pack for all wether conditions when heading to this national park! 

Costa Rica 

Rincon de la Vieja National Park – Province of Guanacaste

I took a hiking tour through trip advisor and it didn’t let me down! You first hike through the jungle where you see monkeys, iguanas, volcanic craters, mud pools, and more. Our guide had an amazing eye to spot all the wildlife. At the end of the hike you end up at the Oropendola waterfall where you are able to swim and cool off. The water is crystal clear, with gorgeous shades of blue, and very refreshing after hiking in the heat. After that you get a meal for lunch and then you make your way over to the Rio Negro hot springs. This was my favorite part as you are in the jungle and then you then cover your whole body in volcanic mud. You let it dry for about 10 minutes and then rinse it off. My skin was so smooth that I would use that over lotion any day. You then get to soak in the hot springs and let all your worries disappear. I have never felt more calm and peaceful in my life. Even if you don’t do a guided tour, I highly suggest exploring this national park.



Kruger National Park – South Africa

This is one of Africa’s largest game reserves and it is home to a variety of wild animals, including the Big 5 (lion, leopard, rhino, elephant, buffalo). I was fortunate enough to be on a safari that spotted all five! It is surreal seeing these animals up close in person and not in a zoo. This park also has a diverse landscape as you can experience mountains, plains, and tropical forests. So pack your binoculars and head to Africa! I have no words on how amazing this experience is, so I’ll let the pictures below do the talking. 



Cape Breton Highlands National Park – Novia Scotia

Entering this national park literally reminded me of Jurassic Park (insert theme song here). This national park is full of green, lush trees and beautiful coastal views. Be sure drive along the Cabot Trail which is a scenic highway. I drove and made stops along the way to hike and take in the scenery. I unfortunately didn’t get to see a moose so that’s a sign I must go back, right? You also must stop for some seafood along the way as it is some of the freshest most delicious seafood I’ve ever had!