
Raise your hand if you think airlines charge a ridiculous amount for checked luggage. I’m assuming that’s everyone. Now in order to do this, you have to change the mindset that you need to bring every little thing with you. You don’t. And in all honesty, it is way less stressful having less stuff to worry about or keep track of. You don’t have to wait for your luggage after you land and don’t have to worry about your bags getting lost. I have travelled to New Zealand for two weeks, Canada for one week, and several long weekend trips with just a carry-on bag and my trips were just as amazing as they would have been with more of my belongings with me.

  1. Pack light weight items- I always pack clothing that is light weight as they take up less space. I pack leggings to wear instead of jeans for example. I bring workout clothes as there are both summer and winter light weight items you can pack depending on your destination and climate. I also own a lightweight jacket and towel that I bought that are both able to be compacted in to small pouches and save space.
  2. Roll instead of fold- I always roll my clothing instead of folding and this allows me to bring more in less space.
  3. Wear the bulky items on the plane- I always wear the sweater and/or jacket I’m bringing on the trip on my body as those take up the most room and this gives me more room to work with in my luggage. Plus airports and planes get cold, so it’s a win win. I will also wear the shoes that take up the most space, which can be a pain at security, but worth it in the end.IMG_1600
  4. You can always buy items- when you get to your destination, it is easy to buy cheap and small shampoos, deodorant, toothpaste, etc. This way you don’t have to worry about packing it and you can use and then throw out the few, small items you buy at the end of your trip.
  5. Most accommodations have items you can use- I always look at what the accommodations I stay at offers. For example, most hotels will have towels, shampoo, a hair dryer, etc. for you to use. I have also stayed in airbnbs that also offer access to a lot of items I typically have to pack which is very helpful.
  6. Remember that airlines allow you a carry-on luggage along with another backpack or lap top bag. I will always pack the other bag with my purse, camera, books, toiletries, etc. so that more of my clothes fit in the larger carry-on luggage.


REI is one of my favorite stores to go to shop for those items that are light-weight, compact, and multi-purpose. I know this minimalist style of packing isn’t for everyone, but it works for me and makes my trips less stressful. I travel to make memories, see the world, and make connections with others. I don’t want to worry about tracking my bags or rolling an oversized, overweight suitcase through a new city. Plus, you save some money not checking a bag in which you can then use on something in your new destination!